“Go Hard! or Go Home!”

Instructor: John Brown

Contact Email: jbbrown@k12.wv.us


Electrical involves the use of electricity to solve problems related to energy, the environment, transportation, communications, health care, and a host of other areas that have an important impact upon society. Equipped with a broad background of theoretical and practical knowledge, the Electrical Engineering graduate has a wide range of careers from which to choose: research and design, teaching, sales, and management.

What Does Electrical Do?

Electrical students design, develop, install and maintain electrical products and systems. Depending on their employer and specialization, they help manufacture and maintain power generation, transmission and distribution equipment and systems. Electrical students also design and install automobile, rail, maritime and aeronautic propulsion systems, terrestrial and satellite navigation systems and general telecommunication equipment.

Typical tasks for electrical include:

  • Design new ways to use electrical power to develop or improve products
  • Develop manufacturing, construction and installation standards
  • Direct the manufacturing, installation and testing of electrical equipment
  • Manage the production of electrical projects to ensure work is completed well, on time and within budget